Adobe Photoshop CC 2024
About Instructor

Course Overview
So you have your design done! Now it is time to present it to the class and hand-it in for marking.
One of the most crucial parts of the design process is the presentation and the selling of your concept. You have worked on your design process for weeks now and your presentation is where you get to showcase the best aspects, features of your design. You want to make sure you put your design in the ‘ Spot Light‘
Course summary
Module 1 – Fundamentals
Learn how to transfer CAD drawings into Photoshop while preserving graphic scale. Learn numerous tricks for enhancing drawings using patterns, strokes, color overlays, fill layers, inner and shadows, clipping groups, adjustment layers and much more.
Module 2 – Enhancing Drawings
Learn how to transfer CAD drawings into Photoshop while preserving graphic scale. Automate layer-by-layer vector-to-raster conversion with my included AutoLisp program that works with many versions of AutoCAD.
Learn numerous tricks for enhancing drawings using patterns, strokes, color overlays, fill layers, inner and shadows, clipping groups, adjustment layers and much more.
Module 3 – Compositing and Illustration
Composite 3D objects and render elements from 3ds Max as layers in Photoshop. Learn how to create realistic auto-blending color-matched skies, greenery, trees and more.
Create artistic illustrations with the smart filter gallery and art history brush, and learn how to do 3D painting using advanced render output from 3ds Max.
Module 4 – Multiple Exposure Magic
Learn tricks to manually expand an image’s dynamic range, and process true HDR imagery in Extended. Craft interactive panoramas for the web from a series of handheld stills using flash or java technology.
Eliminate moving objects from architectural images, study pedestrian flows, and create artistic effects with smart object image stacks.
Module 5 – Playing with Perspective
Learn how to access and composite royalty-free 3D content into architectural interiors without leaving Extended.
Match the perspective of 3D buildings to site photos.
Copy textures in perspective and shift the perspective of photos using vanishing point and 3D layers.
Harness the power of lens correction, lens blur, and lens flare to create more compelling imagery.