About Instructor

Course Overview
STAAD.Pro is the professional’s choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum and cold-formed steel design of low and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more! The versatility of STAAD Pro makes it the choice of most leading engineering consultancies, and design and construction professionals. STAAD Pro features a state-of-the-art user interface, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engine with advanced finite element and dynamic capabilities.
STAAD stands for Structural Analysis And Design. It is one of the software applications created to help structural engineers automate their tasks, to remove the tedious and long procedures of the manual methods. STAAD Pro training provides an overall look over STAAD Pro. It covers the steps to be followed to produce the structural analysis and design of concrete and steel. This STAAD Pro course also focus on the different results generated from the program, and how to read them, view them, and finally generate the necessary reports from them.
Course summary
Slab, Wind and Moving loads
staad,staad proIntroduction to Structural Engineering
staad softwareIntroduction to STAAD.Pro V8i
staad pro 2005Model generations
staad manualAssigning loads
staad tutorialAutomatic load generations
structural analysisCreating Load Combinations
staad demoConcrete Design
Column and Beam design
RC Designer
Water Tank Design
Slab Design
One-way Slab
Two-way Slab
Staircase Design
Shear wall Design
Bridge Deck design using STAAD.Beava
staad pro 2007Seismology
staad pro tutorialResponse Spectrum Analysis
staad pro v8iSteel Design
staad pro 2007 tutorialPushover Analysis
staad pro 2006Foundation Designs
Isolate, Combined, Strip, Mat and Pile Cap
staad pro examplesReport Generation
Print Drawings covers how to:
o Set printer options
o Print drawings to paper
o Print drawings to as plotfiles